Based all over the world, our language experts are specialists in a diverse range of areas and they only ever translate into their native language:
Among our customers we can count German, European and globally operating companies as well as international institutions and organisations.
Our state-certified translation specialists are judicially sworn in to authorise them to translate and attest documents.
The Bean, Chicago. Photo: Vinod Kalathil
Specialist areas: shares, architecture, automotive industry, banking and trading, construction, mining, economics, education, biotechnology, book-keeping, chemical industry, chemistry, computer, data processing, documentation, printing, EDP, electronics, electro-technology, energy industry, renewable energies, automotive engineering, precision engineering, finance, aviation industry, geology, glass industry, smelting industry, manuals, retail, hardware and software, heating technology, superstructure und civil engineering, internet, import and export, industrial plants, information technology, engineering, annual financial statements, journalism, ventilation and refrigeration technology, arts and culture, cosmetics, laboratory technology, agriculture, foodstuffs industry, literature, licenses, aviation, management, marketing, mechanical engineering, medicine, trade fairs, instrumentation and control technology, metal industry, fashion, multimedia, reporting, food and semi-luxury food industry, public relations, ecology, optics, organisations and associations, paper industry, patents, pharmacy, physics, product manuals, psychology, aerospace technology, accounting, law, sanitation, welding technology, sport, steel-making industry, urban development, taxation, road building, road transport, telecommunications, textile industry, tourism, environment, contracts, water supply, advertising, business, dental technology and much more.